Trip Log: Flores 2

Island life is very stressful so I took it easy today. Here is what I did from dawn till dusk, hanging out with Mardie, a fun solo Dutch traveler I met who arrived on Flores the same time I did. (In addition to everything below, I also took three cold showers to wash off the intolerable humidity.)

Started the day off with breakfast of champions: mango fruit juice and a plate of fresh cut tropical fruits.


After sitting around reading and relaxing, it’s time for lunch. The hotel girl fires up the grill,


cuts open the fish I just selected,


and prepares what was truly the juiciest and best-tasting fish I’ve ever eaten, really.


Then more sitting around.


We decide to be productive, and ended up finding a completely secluded beach to the north, with very warm water and this great view.


I now sit here in The Lounge, drinking an arak ginger (essentially a Moscow Mule but with locally produced alcohol), eating a pizza covered with chilis, and enjoying the tropical rainstorm outside.


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